Özge Sebzeci

Born next to the Bosphorus, I am a documentary and portrait photographer based in Istanbul, Turkiye focusing on stories about gender, migration and ecology. My approach revolves around establishing trust and intimacy with the people I photograph. I'm deeply committed to diverse perspectives in visual storytelling. 

I am a National Geographic Society and Magnum Foundation grantee. My work has been published in National Geographic(US), TIME(US), Die Zeit(Germany), NPR (US), The Atlantic (US), NRC Handelsblad (The Netherlands),  De Standaard (Belgium), Horizonte (Switzerland), VG(Norway) and 140journos (Türkiye) among others. I worked with NGOs such as Ashden, CARE, DEC among others. 

I am a member of Women Photograph Diversify Photo, Varız BuradayızIn 2019, I co-founded On Spec Podcast with six other journalists. 

Recent Publications:

Conservative Muslim Women Helped Erdoğan Win Previous Elections. Now Some Are Turning Against Him in TIME (05/23)

Junge Wähler in der Türkei: "Diese Regierung hat Angst vor Frauen" in Die Zeit (05/23)

"In anderthalb Minuten hat sich alles verändert" in Zeit Online (02/23)


Selected for Hamburg Portfolio Review, 2021

National Geographic Explorer 2021-2022

Marilyn Stafford Fotoreportage Award 2018, 1st place

Magnum Foundation Photography and Social Justice Fellow 2018

Nominated for World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass in 2017 & 2018

Featured in Photo Boite 30 under 30 Women Photographers 2016 selection

Participant of Noor-Nikon Masterclass in Documentary Photography in 2014


212 Photography Festival, Female Gaze, Müze Gazhane, 2021, Istanbul, Turkey

After Nyne Gallery, 2018, London, UK

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